How to highlight authors comments on blogger

This post shows how you can highlight authors comments on your blogger blog using CSS and if/else tags im going to use the minima template so like i always say backup your template or use a test blog now go to edit html and make sure you have expand widget templates check box checked look for the comments-block like i have in the following screenshot

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How to display widgets on certain pages in blogger

Today I'm going to show you how we can get widgets to display on certain pages within your blogger blog using if conditional tags

so first i recommend you download a backup copy of your template or use a test blog.

Now for this tutorial I'm going to add a simple HTML/JavaScript widget (it could be any kind of widget) in the title field of the widget i named mine "My Widget"

the reason i did this is so that we can easy identify it when we switch to the edit html tab make sure you have the expand widget templates checkbox checked and find the code for your widget here's a screenshot of mine

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How to split your blogs header into two widgets

This post shows how you can split your blogs header into two widgets like the following screenshot

so i recommend you backup your template or use a test blog for this example I'm going to use the Minima Template so if you are using a different template the code would be different. The default width of the template header-wrapper code is 660px
(if you don't know what I'm talking about see screenshot below)
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How to fix your blogs header

Today im going to show you how you can fix your blogs header as lots of blogspot users have been having problems with their header image so i recommend you download a backup copy of your template or use a test blog now you will need to expand the widget templates and find the following code highlighted in the screenshot

it should be within the #header-wrapper when you have found it replace it with the following code
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How to stop widgets been deleted when uploading templates

So if you have ever downloaded a free template and wanted to install it without having to reinstall all those sidebar widgets again read on im going to use a 3 column i created for this tutorial you can download it for free here
i recommend you use a test blog for this tutorial by default when you create a new blog it will already have 2 sidebar widgets installed so you should add another two for this tutorial. Continue reading »
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