/* navigation links css code
----------------------------------------------- */
#topnav {
#topnav ul {
#topnav a {
padding:3px 7px 3px 7px;
margin:9px 10px 0 0;
#topnav a:hover {
#topnav li {
Now paste it like i have done just below the closing skin tag
Now you need to copy the following XHTML code changing the red parts to where ever you are pointing your links to. The first part with the / points to your blogs homepage
<div id='topnav'>
<li><a href='/'>Home</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Contact</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Link 3</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Link 4</a></li>
and paste it just below the header closing div tag like I've done below
now if you preview your template you should see some links just below your blogs header like mine below

you can change parts of the CSS code to make different navigation styles you should make a test blog and play around with the CSS code to see what you can come up with this is just a simple one
61 Responses to “How to add a navigation bar”
November 07, 2007I seriously admire your efforts, not many people go the extra mile to css their layouts. I will be using some of your icons and tips in future.
Thank you!
February 10, 2008Very useful information - this is exactly what I've been searching for.
I used your method and it works great!
Only question left: How does one get a background for this? I've tried different ideas to get a background for mine and I can't. I notice you have a red one to match your blog title.
June 15, 2008Thank you this was very helpful.
June 23, 2008thank you for the wonderful tutorial. i'd like to say that all i know of CSS and XHTML, i've learned here :)
but i'm curious...how do we add links to the tabs we've just created?
July 03, 2008Thank you for sharing how to get the nav bar up...now how ca I get that to be that when i click on one of the nav bar links ; ie Contact me, that it will go to that page?
August 02, 2008How a bout adding links blend into the Header image??
October 17, 2008For some reason my navigation links are appearing below the fold. Plus their stacked vertically rather then horizontally.
I'm currently using a 3-column Scribe template for the new Blogger.
October 18, 2008r.j you may have some other CSS rules overriding the one's i gave in the tutorial what is the url of the site you are trying to apply them to ? i need more details.
Jana Maries Photography
February 05, 2009Hi .. that helped a lot. I'm very new to blogging though and now that I have the links up, they are there, but how do I get them to go to where I want them to go? If you click on it, it goes nowhere (of course I haven't told it how) but you left me hangin :)
February 05, 2009@janaMarie
change the red # to the url you would like to point to for example
<li><a href='http://www.google.com'>google</a></li>
Jana Maries Photography
February 11, 2009Ah I got it.. Now I have another question. It worked (THANK YOU) but the text is black and so is my background. Is there a way to change the color? Or put a light strip underneath the text? Also, is there a way to put it above my header?
You rock!
February 13, 2009very helpful !! thanks a lot
April 27, 2009thanks so much you explained everything so well!!!
i tried doing this with someone elses site explaining, but it didnt work but then i came here and you explained it heaps better than everyone elses site i saw
May 20, 2009This wasn't too difficult and it looks great on my site! Just what I needed! Thanks!
May 28, 2009Your instruction is effective. However would you tell please how to change the navbar background colour?
May 28, 2009@Halim
if you are using the codes shown it the tutorial add a background rule to the CSS as shown
#topnav {
in the CSS above i have set the background colour to a red colour change the hex code to whatever colour you want here's a link to some hex colour codes to get you started
May 28, 2009Hi, Lawny thanks for your prompt reply and I already changed the color by following you. Can you do one more thing for me. How to omit the extra space between below the header and up of menu bar from my below blog?
May 28, 2009Thanks Lawny I am glad to get your prompt reply. I am sorry that I am bothering you aagin
May 28, 2009@Halim
i'm not sure which space you are talking about
May 28, 2009You see between long rectangular narrow line and my navigation bar in the middle of these two point there is a green space I am talking about that space. how to remove that space?
Here is my blog address
May 29, 2009@Halim
the codes you are using are different from the one's described above so i don't have time right now to look through your code but you could try .descriptionwrapper{display:none;} since you are not using the blog description it will hide the div and p tag and close some of the space but it will still need tweaking more also some of your CSS code is invalid such as display:yes;
July 11, 2009Hey it worked and all but when i typed in what i wanted the link to be called it called it something different. I think i know why this other thing happened but ill tell you anyway. I click on the link and it says that it can not find the page i was looking for. I think this is because i dont have a post called that, but the Home link still works and i dont have a post called that.
July 11, 2009Sorry to bother you but i've done everything you said on your tutorial but only the first and the last link work. if you click on any of the other two it goes onto a screen saying it cant find the page i was looking for. The other two work because they are called Home and About Me. When ever i click on them it stays on the home screen. one of my posts is called about me and the other is called Note:
dont ask me why.
Please help!
July 11, 2009@Reanna4eva
you need to create the post on your blog then publish it then visit the post and copy the link from the browser's address bar or right click the post title and if you are using firefox choose "copy link location" or "copy shortcut" if you are using internet explorer and replace the # with the actual link
August 01, 2009Mater how to bold the text i want to bold the text nav. :) thanks for the help your tutorial is so helpful especially for me beginners :)
August 01, 2009@saintghost
add this code to your #topnav CSS font-weight:bold; so it becomes
#topnav {
you could make it bolder by using code below
#topnav {
August 01, 2009thank you so much master for helping me :) www.saintghostrip.blogspot.com your the best master.
August 11, 2009master how to put additional navigation bar under navigation for example: Anime, if you click Anime it will display another bar of list of anime. thank you :)
August 12, 2009@Anonymous
I'm not sure what you mean
August 14, 2009Hey,may I know how do you change the colour of the font? thanks!
August 14, 2009@Bundle.Of.Joy
look for the following CSS code
#topnav a {
padding:3px 7px 3px 7px;
margin:9px 10px 0 0;
change the colour hex code to whatever you want here's an example of red text
#topnav a {
padding:3px 7px 3px 7px;
color:#f00; /* colour of links */
margin:9px 10px 0 0;
August 15, 2009master i apply the navigation bar you teach us, under the navigation bar is HOME,CONTACT,LINK3,LINK4 but for example i will change the LINK3 to ANIME and i would like to have another navigation under ANIME so that if i click the ANIME navigation i will choose what anime episode i want to view.
August 17, 2009@saintghost
do you mean dropdown navigation menus ?
August 17, 2009i don't know the name maybe like that dropdown navigation menus can you teach me? sorry for disturbing master :(
Shail Shah
August 20, 2009Thanks . This was really helpful.
August 22, 2009@saintghost
i will write a tutorial showing you how to add dropdown menus as soon as i get time
August 22, 2009owkie master thank you and more power. saintghost
August 30, 2009Thank you so..so much!It's perfect!Now I'm figuring out the rest like color etc.I'll get back when all is done.Right now, I'm so happy to see the nav bar!:)BTW,I'm your 100th follower!:)You have great tutorials.Thanks for sharing.
Harlem Missez
September 02, 2009appreciate this...definitely used on my blog =]
September 09, 2009Thanks so so much I have been looking everywhere for this. I changed all the colors but I was wondering if there is a way to put a border around the bar.
September 09, 2009It looks awesome, I changes all the colors but is there a way to add a boarder to the bar?
September 10, 2009@Anonymous
to add a border around the navigation bar use CSS like so
#topnav {
border:1px solid #f00;
October 05, 2009Now when Itried this i have the same problem as RJ
October 06, 2009@EllyAli
what is the url of the site you are trying this out on ?
October 10, 2009Hi Lawny,
I'm trying to add a navigation bar in the header border. I am using the "old" blogger template. And I dont have a "closing skin tag". Can this work still?
October 10, 2009Hi Lawny,
Sorry its me again. I realised perhaps I could have the navigation bar u have at the very top of this website "home/about/contact/archives/free templates/posts/comments/email/twitter"
Could you share with me how do you do that?
Also, after the bar is created, how do add the content to say "About"?
Thanks again!
October 10, 2009@siying
yes it will work with the old classic blogger templates
October 10, 2009Thanks Lawny,
Mine does not come with a "closing skin tag". Where should I add those html codes?
October 11, 2009@siying
put the CSS code just after the <style type="text/css"> tag and the xhtml code goes wherever you want the navigation to appear you can try putting it just after the <div id="content"> you might need to tweak the CSS code a little bit
January 11, 2010This awesome and works great! Thanks! Wondering how to center it....tried replacing the code but didn't work.
January 11, 2010Never mind, I figured it out! Thanks!
CoCo Bleu
January 20, 2010Well, apparently Nicole figured out how to center it, but I can't...please help :/
February 16, 2010Thank you very much. I was looking for this for my new software downloads blog. You are great.
February 19, 2010hello lawny
I had once again try it to add a navigation bar at top of the header as the one you have "Home/About/Contact/Archives/Free Templates"
I am using your "3 column orange style blogger template" and want to have a navigation bar at top of header as same below the header.help me.
February 22, 2010@great99
sorry i dont have time right now to explain how it is done
August 06, 2010I think we can also ad navigation bar through...
html widget.Code for
<a href="home.html">home</a>|<a href="contactus.html">contactus</a>
<a href="aboutus.html">aboutus</a>
It would not so fancy but easy to implemet...
November 10, 2010It works & that's exactly what I was looking for! Many thanks
Life As Wife
March 30, 2011Can the navgation bar be added inside the header? If not, how can we center the links? I tried changing float:left to float:center but that didn't do it.
Natasha Polinsky
May 26, 2011How do I make drop down links for the navigation bar, say I want it to say 'websites' then drop down with a list, how do I do that?
Goa Holidays
July 19, 2011Hi thanks for all the trouble to show evryone the navigation bar.
Could you help me if I want to add google adsense links in teh navigation bar, how do i put the adsense code ?
February 19, 2012thanks... this is what im looking for... here's my site http://justjuncci.blogspot.com/ please i need constructive criticsms..thanks pals
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