if you cant find it on your template don't worry just add it after the header like i have done above and make sure you add a closing div tag at the bottom like below

now you need to look for the following CSS code again it depends what template you have if you cant find it you will need to add it but without the padding:0 16px; value

once you have found it or added it you need to add the highlighted code to the content-wrapper you just found or added and you can change the 50px value to whatever you want it depends how much space you want between the blogs header and the post

once done preview your template before saving to see the space you just created then save or change the 50px value if you need more or less space
15 Responses to “add a space between header and post”
Arabic Bites
November 10, 2007Hi,
I cannot see the photos for some reason :( .
I've always wanted to add a space between header & post.
can you please try to post it again.
Thank you.
Arabic Bites
December 17, 2007Hi,
I finally did it,you can see it:
Thank you so much for this helpfull blog.
Arabic Bites
December 22, 2007Hi Jamiz,
can you tell me how to make my header in center.
Thank you.
Arabic Bites
December 23, 2007Hi,
Thank you for answer me but I don't have the code you talking about.
do you mean header description?
Penny Pinching Parent
June 04, 2008Thank you so much. Super easy to add and get the space I needed! Thanks again.
January 31, 2009Excellent! Thanks a million for this!!
Worked like a charm!
March 13, 2009Hello. I do get some extra space after my header, but everything shifts over to the left. This means I have a huge margin on the right side.
What am I doing wrong?
March 13, 2009@Lydia
Hi what is the url of the site you are trying this on ? and what are you trying to do ?
March 13, 2009Wow thanks for replying!
I just changed from the Tic Tac Blue template to Washed Denim. I added a header photo. What I'm hoping to do is to have white space between the bottom of the header photo and the beginning of posts and everything on the sidebar. When I followed your directions I did get some space where I want it, but it moved my entire page over to the left. There was more space on the right. So it looked weird.
I really appreciate your advice! Thanks much.
March 13, 2009@Lydia
try this first look for the following code
#header-wrapper {
padding: 0;
background-color: #ffffff;
text-align: left;
change the margin to something like
#header-wrapper {
margin:0 0 50px 0;
padding: 0;
background-color: #ffffff;
text-align: left;
this puts a 50px margin at the bottom of your blogs header adjust to suit i hope this helps you
March 13, 2009Yes!!
Thank you so much! It's 5:40 a.m. here in Oregon and I've been up all night. I waited a bit for your reply and am SO impressed that you hung in there with me. Now I can get some sleep.
You are great. I am bookmarking you right now. :)
March 13, 2009@Lydia
Glad i was able to help you are welcome anytime thanks for your comment
March 19, 2010I did this, but it lowers the pages links too. Is it possible to add a margin between the bottom of the pages links and the post title?
March 25, 2010@Carrie
you can try the following css code which should work
March 26, 2010Thank you so much!
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