Below are screenshots of them and not the original ico file so if you would like one chosen from the selection below and click the one you want to download you should be taken to esnips please do not give these out as your own they are made by me a link back is not required although it would be nice if you did
and here is the code you need to add it just before the closing </head> tag replacing only the red coloured text with the url of where ever you are hosting your favicon for example google pages see screenshot below and don't forget the file extension (.ico)
<link href="" rel="shortcut icon"/>
<link href="" rel="icon"/>

share and enjoy ;-)
10 Responses to “Free web 02 Favicons”
October 10, 2007All i could see were the little boxes with red 'x's in them
October 10, 2007Works and looks great now.
Great Stuff!!!!
October 10, 2007Great article...I posted a story about Favicons yesterday after someone was asking about them...
I tried out guest blogging project and so he wrote an article.
You can tell we are all newbies at this because the article has template code into them so when you post them on blog they don't show up, so anyway the article about the favicons has to be downloaded...
How do you do that trick on the text in the box so it becomes published.
Also I just want to point out that you have a great site, great design good info as well.
cheers :) I'll let everyone know about your site
Fibro Viv
October 12, 2007You are so nice, thank you for the information. I will try it later when I feel stronger and healthier.
Take care.
October 13, 2007i have the same problem with danny with the template that won't show up, i also made a post just today about favicon...any siggestion on how you do that trick on the box?
anyway, you have very well done site.
October 13, 2007very well done, i have the same problem with danny too...any suggestions?
October 16, 2007I was just searching for this and voila!
Echos Erita
December 07, 2007this helps a lot! wow! i am amazed! i just had mine. thank you so much for the tip!
Mykal Banta
March 23, 2009Worked to perfection! You are the man, Paul!
May 05, 2010I finds so may time on Google but only you provide this one.
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